Monday, 1 August 2011


Please, read the next words carefully. It is NOT my intention to minimize, in ANYWAY, anyone's belief, faith or path. I am only trying to demystify what words mean so that you as a person are better informed and can make informed decisions for yourself!

I will be offering several different definitions from several sources, the bolded Italicized words are meant to be emphasis that I have placed there!
What does the word Paganism Mean?
From Wikipedia: Paganism (from Latin paganus, meaning "country dweller", "rustic"[1]) is a blanket term, typically used to refer to polytheistic ( Many God/Goddess like Figures worshiped at once) religious traditions.

Odd, I don't see anything about demons, or hell bound there, as many have told me when they have heard of my path.. I see a word representing someone who lives in the country, and another meaning of someone who believes in many divine figures.
Shall we try another?

Dictionary.Com: pa·gan
–noun of a people or community observing a polytheistic religion (Many God/Goddess like Figures worshiped at once), as the ancient Romans and Greeks.
2.a person who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim. irreligious or hedonistic person.

Well, this is a bit more to the point, defining both a meaning as in number One, and having a comparison. As in number Two As well, I see that there is a Third Meaning. How interesting, hedonistic? Its odd that A pagan is described as a Pleasure seeker, is it not?
The Miriam-Webster Dictionary:Definition of PAGAN
1heathen 1; especially : a follower of a polytheistic religion (Many God/Goddess like Figures worshiped at once) (as in ancient Rome)
2: one who has little or no religion and who delights in sensual pleasures and material goods : an irreligious or hedonistic person

I find myself resentful that a spiritual path that I follow is defined in the dictionary as having "Little or No religion" When did pagan, heathen, and atheist become synonymous? I mean, do not then mean the same as presented here? Someone who has little or no religion?

I, myself prefer to say that I am a Pagan, a branch of Wicca, in fact, who IS religious in the sense that I have faith in something greater than myself!
Tell us here, what issues have you had in defining some of the words and terms surrounding your path?

1 comment:

  1. As you know Bro, I was raised Chatholic, but I am rather open minded for that particular branch of faith. Reading the last two definitions you posted, I find myself upset with the conection of Paganism with faithlessnes, hedonism and "heathens". All that crosses my mind at that is the person(s) responsible for those definitions was Fundamentalist in thier views. Correct deffinitions need to be unobjective and properly researched. Something the last two do not seem to be to me.

    I have know a number of Pagans, and irreligious, heathen and hedonistic are not words I would use to describe them.
