Protection, on a Esoteric or Magical Level. Do you do It?
I will admit, I do it! I am told that saying HOW I do it leaves me open to malicious practitioners, so, I will not reveal my personal protections, But I will describe what I have heard from others, no names, so that we can discuss what may work, and what may not. As well, we must all realize, what "works" may be personal!
Asatru Runes are considered by many to grant powerful protection when carved into door frames, worn on your body, carved , hidden into the jewelery you wear, or even the leather you may wear.
Some Use Potions and Oils and ungents to anoint their homes. A Line drawn in oil across lintels, and windowsills. Perhaps you carry an Oil soaked cotton ball, a poppet in your Purse or pocket?
Many Do a Meditative very Eastern thing. They ask spirits, either of the House itself, and the Items that are in their houses, or Ancestor Spirits, to watch over, warn, and protect!
I once read of a man whom had his bed circled in salt and iron filings! He felt that It protected him from what he felt were "Malicious Fae" and he stated that after his Ward, and circle he felt he could sleep well for the first time in years!
After your home, or personal self , is warded, do you feel better, or more aware of yourself? Do you feel that wards and protections may need reinforcement, or are a "Charged " one time thing? And, have you ever felt your protections tested, did they hold up?
I have found that smudging (with your chosen herb often helps clear the air at least. Previously I have wandered a space with a smoldering smudge bundle and wafting the smoke along entrances (doors, windows, doorways etc) .... if nothing else, it changes the smell of the place which for me I find soothing.