Dreams. Do they guide you, or do you even listen? Are they our subconscious speaking to us, or just our minds sorting the days information. Some dreams are absurd, and some are less dreams and more nightmares!
I will share with you 2 dreams of mine, and you may decide absurd or perhaps informative. I do realize that dreams are subjective, and prone to much personal interpretation.
The first dream I will speak of is as Me as a farmer. The Plot I have to grow things on is immense, and the borders are un-seeable, they are marked with a Tall, split rail fence, made of splintery grey wood. I am kneeling in the middle of the field, crying, because I have tried every method to grow things here, and they will not grow, not even weeds. In the dream, I have tried everything, and now, not even the tears I am crying seems to water the light, loos,e sandy grey soil. The sun overhead is healing and warm, Other fields seem to be growing well, but they are not my fields. As I look up, the only thing that is growing is a single vine of Some ivy like plant that is coiled about a nearby fence post. It is a bright vibrant green, and it has 2 leaves. It saddens me that Something that is growing that I did not plant. As I reach to touch it, the dream fades.
Now, on the outside, this was a dream that I had within weeks of deciding to walk a path of Pagan exploration. If that helps you to define the dream. What helps you decide, as a pagan, a Cabalistic follower, a Christian, that the dream is more than a dream?
The second dream I will speak of is rather...surreal, and what I would consider absurd, but, I had it, so that is worth something, I would guess.
I am in a Underground parking lot, It is crowed, and the cars are parked haphazardly some on top of others. The Florescents are dim, and flickering sometimes bright, sometimes almost out. I am running, full tilt, as hard as I can, almost breathless, as I seem to be being chased, by Adolf Hitler, dressed as a Catholic Nun, shooting at me with a Big, yellow, semi automatic Banana.
Perhaps there are more to both dreams than I am aware of, who knows if it is My subconscious, or something more external. Hoe do YOU decide?
As well, sometimes we might put to much effort into what might very well just be a dream. Remember as Sigmund Freud said, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar,"
OMG! I can't believe you mentinoed the Adolf Hitler one! As soon as I started to read this, I thought to myself, "is he going to mention that?". Lol! Sorry, that one still makes me laugh :)
ReplyDeleteIn regards to the dream you mentioned first, did you think of it as being symbolic of how you had tried to come to terms with thing Christan? Those beliefs you had much trouble with, getting no answers to your questions. The ivy in the field makes me think that maybe your current spiritual path was there all along, and only started to grow once the previous path had "died".