I spoke of translation in an earlier post. By that I did mean how do I, as a Hedgewitch communicate with the wild? Well, I will share some of muy ways in hopes that you may learn from them.
I have two decks of cards I use. I find that work the best for me.
Shapeshifter Tarot http://www.aeclectic.net/tarot/cards/shapeshifter/
The heart of Faerie http://www.amazon.ca/Heart-Faerie-Oracle-Tarot-Cards/dp/0810988232
Now, I am told that these two decks are not traditional tarot decks, in fact the Faerie one is an "Oracle" deck. But, to me, they have both lead me to find truths within myself, and y life. I use the when I need answers that I cannot see clearly, I use the for advice on a possible path to take.
In the end, they are guides, NOT the be all and end all that I have heard some people take when using a tarot deck. In the end , as a guide, I make the final decision as to the path I take.
One of the problems on my chosen path is perception. How does a tree perceive? How long would you need to wait till a tree, a being that lives by seasons, will notice you?
Or a Fox? A being that walks on four legs, where we walk upon two! How do we, as people, perceive what they, the animals, perceive?
Patients, an open heart and mediation. Sit near the tree, and think like it. Think of water in the ground feeding you, of the earth holding you securely. The sleep of winter, and the heat of summer. And, wait. Continue to do this mediation, this exercise, and try to understand.
As the fox mediation? Open yourself to all that is animal in you. The necessity of the hunt, the scent of your environment, the success f finding a mate. Look around, the environment, look from the point of view of the animal, Imagine the scents you recognize as being stronger, the sights different, even how you hear things. And ask yourself, knowing these things, what does a fox need, or, for that matter, want?
Perception is a very big thing, to me. How do you "perceive" as something not Human? As a tree, as a fox? I feel you need to open yourself, and look, and feel. Accept that not everything revolves around you that you are part of a bigger whole, part of a system, not that the system stems from you. Is the face of a clock more important? Or the hands? Perhaps the gears! Or, is the clock itself, as a whole what you see?
As a Challenge, I suggest that you sit down somewhere comfortable, somewhere you feel safe, and try to let go, and perceive your world differently.
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