Monday, 10 June 2013

Some 19 years ago, I was first introduced to Wicca in all its varying forms. I am not saying that introduction, that open Writ, is correct. More, I am saying that it has coloured how I see Wicca today.

I make no claims that my views are correct. Its just what I saw. 
Back then, I didn't know what I was seeing, but I saw several distinct groupings. 

A bit of back story here, before I go into much more detail. See, I lived, at that time, in a university town. I knew that different spiritual paths and religions existed, but I didn't know their names. So, it was a shock and surprise when a then close friend asked if I wanted to go to a Samhain (pronounced "sow-in)open writ. It was explained to me at that time that it was a autumn festival that celebrated the seasons changes, and that it also honored ancestors. If I chose to go, I would be asked to respect others beliefs, and to bring a gift in the form of a harvest food. If at all possible, if I could make it with my own hands, it would be better, more honorable.(harvest food being something of a seasonal food, fresh baked whole gain bread, corn anything, or apples in some form) I brought some homemade cornbread.)
My hostess, or perhaps, I might call her a guide now, was pleased with my offering.

At the university grounds there exists a fair sized lake that students can use as longs as its not destructive, or disruptive to others. The organizers of this event had even gotten permission to have a fire. There was a picnic table covered in pies, cakes, bread loaves, casserole dishes, and the like.
It was around this time that I saw that there were groups. Mind you, there were many people that wandered and spoke to the different groups, generally being gregarious, but the groups stood out to me. Here is where I risk offending people.

I didn’t know, at that time, that many Wiccans identify, sometimes VERY strongly with a particular branch, or path of Wicca. Akin, I would say to the many different forms of Christian worship. In that many believe in a higher Power. But disagree on HOW to worship.
 I will describe them, in no particular order. I saw a group of very excited men, wearing clothing in muted, but many colours. All in, I was assured, what was natural fibers. Cotton, linen, and such. They were happy, and talkative, and very huggy with each other. They were, almost to a one, Gay. I found out later that this was important to them.
I have since learned that they considered themselves male followers of the Dianic Wiccan Tradition (
Now, some distance away, I saw another group. They were glaring at the all-male group, in a rather insulted, and angry fashion. They consisted of all females. They were dressed in denim, leather, combat boots, and metal studs. They all had rather punkish styled hair, spiked, and mohawked. There was a sense of shared pain, and solidarity about them. A closeness, that I found appealing.
I learned that they were an all-Woman Dianic group. As well, they were angry because they believed (or so I was angrily told by them at the time) that there should never be an all-male Dianic group, and that there was, was, to them offensive.
Next, I saw a rather handsome, stately older man. Tall, in a long handmade broadcloth robe. Almost leonine in bearing and face, silver and white hair swept back, and proud looking. He was surrounded by a handful of very pretty, very giggly young woman. I noticed that all of the ladies in question were in robes similar to his in cut, but of a more translucent material, and cut low in the neck, to show, it seemed, more cleavage.
Again, there was a sense of power to the group of them. Not so much as individuals, more the group together was powerful.
I have been since told that this group was Gardnerian (
Not far from them was another group of Woman. Wearing comfortable, plain clothes, almost all handmade looking.  They were shoving, jostling each other, tickling, and generally being touchy feely with one another. While I got a sense of great affection, if not love, it was universally a family feeling. This was my first experience with a close knit Coven. They happily told me that they had been so for about 5 years. And my working Craft together, it had brought them closer and made them sisters.
Incidentally, from them is where I got my habit of calling magic and spellwork, crafting, and craftwork, alternately. Thank you Ladies! I hope that somehow one of you reads this, and you are all still sisters!
Lastly, A group that I am…hesitant to speak of. Mainly because I don’t fully understand exactly what I feel, to this day even!
7 of them, all approximately the same age, 30ish, and wearing nothing special, jeans turtle necks, boots running shoes. Nothing noteworthy. However, all had rather spectacular pendant necklaces. Palm sized made out of metal. A black or dark metal. They all stood there, taking in what others were doing, hands in pockets, seemingly relaxed and confident.
They all gave off, quite simply, power. Waves of it.
I have since learned that they might very well be called Feri.(
At that point, the Circle was called, and closed. Blessings were offered all around, food was offered. Anyone who had a ancestor they wanted to honor was asked to come forward and do so. After many came forward, much thanks was offered, and the circle was opened. Our hosts asked all to link hands and proceeded to lead us all in a joyous spiral dance!
After the dance, we all sat down to talk socialize and enjoy that freely offered food!
Just so you all know words like “opening and closing the circle” and “Spiral Dance” I will explain in further posts! Don’t worry! I’ll not abandon you in fancy words!
As I sit here, I smile, cheek achingly wide at the memory. Those first observations I took into myself, on that night, have stuck with me. I have seen many differences in how some worship, but It always seems to come back to those initial observations.
I am in NO WAY saying that these are the only way, or the correct ways. I have been told, and seen in myself, that Wicca, in its many and varied forms can be a solitary path. If that is what feeds your soul, and honors you, then by all means pursue that!
Can any of you remember what it was like for you, that first experience?
Merry Meet,
Merry Part,
Merry meet again!


  1. Very nicely written! I do remember the first time I actively partook in a Circle, it was a circle of solitaries as we called ourselves. I actually wrote the quarter calls, inspired by a work of Mercedes Lackey and a spirituality text I was reading at the time about the Shamanic path

  2. if I remember correctly, my first "pagan" circle experience was also part of a university group (probably the other university in town from the one you went with). It was not as large a gathering as the one you went to, but I remember it because it was my first exposure to the story of Lugh's arrival at Tara (told by a mutual acquaintance of ours).

    I do remember encountering colourful characters there though. Like the gentleman who did not believe in shoes. He felt that they interfered with his connection to the Goddess. He'd gone so far as to cut the soles off a pair of shoes for those times when places insisted he have footwear on.

    Also, the circle took place beside that same lake you speak of lol
