Friday, 9 November 2018

The power of words

I've heard a number of people say that words have Power. There are words that are commands. Go. Stay. Kneel. Fall. Rise. There are words to describe things. Green. Hot. Smooth. There even words that describe abstract things. Power. Love. Honor. Anger.
Those are just the words alone. When we combine them, they can create Intent. 
As Pagans, and Wiccan's, the words we use with intent could be considered the core of what we do. Words make our spells, and writ's. The words we choose fill the pages of our journal, and books of shadows. 
Someone once described to me that the universe vibrates. each atom, each molecule moves in its own pattern. When we speak, we vibrate the air, until someone else "hears" our vibrations. So, our spoken words alter the universe? I call that Magic.
So, if our very intended words can make magic. That our words can cause magic, should we not be wary of what we say?

Although, I could mean phrases like "You are Loved" And, "So Mote it Be", I also mean negative things as well. "you're a loser" And, "you are hated" Strong things! 
Wouldn't saying certain things, such as Labels, be magical? Both limiting, and supporting? 
Two summers back, I was at a week-long camping festival. While there, I spoke of a phrase I had learned  many years ago. "Fluffy Bunny Wiccan" I used that phrase to speak of my frustration in what I considered to be naive and silly thoughts in people who had just started upon their chosen path. Hell, I was called the same, in my early years! I had thought that I could use that phrase, and they would grow out of that phase. As I thought we all would have eventually.
I was challenged.
 A Woman had overheard. And politely, respectfully, and forcefully said to me that she found that phrase to be incredibly offensive. Was there not another word or phrase I could use? One that WASNT dismissive? One that didn't mock a beginner? I was stunned to feel that she was absolutely correct! "Fluffy Bunny Wiccan" was a mock! It was almost hazing! 
Many have mocked me on my path. Either from a position of assumed "im further along my path than you on yours" 
Stars Above, I started this very Blog so as to NOT do the very thing I was doing to others! 
Then, a word came to me. A made-up word, but, one that had connotations for new, and Naive. But NOT a words to make me superior to another. To acknowledge that yes, I AM farther along my path. But, not BETTER than you on my path. 
So, I offer you all the Following word..


So, to all the Witchlings who do me the honor of reading my words. You have my profound apologies. I hope we can use our Intended words to lift each other.

And, to that Woman at the Kaleidoscope Gathering In 2017? Thank you for showing me I was wrong. I wish I had gotten your name.

Breath deep, seek peace

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