Tuesday, 22 March 2016


Merriam-Webster defines it as follows..
Definition of secret
: kept hidden from others 
: known to only a few people
: keeping information hidden from others

So, for today, lets discuss a secret in terms of Pagan and Wiccan paths.
Now, before you all panic and say “But Sheldon, don’t reveal our Secrets!” please know I’m talking of secrets in general, and why we keep them. NOT any particular secrets!
For many a Path, pagan, or not, Secrets kept us safe from physical harm. In a time, when your path was considered to be heretical, or cursed, how would you let someone know you were of the same path. Let us consider the story of the Icthus. More popularly known today as the “Jesus Fish”
Before Christianity became established as a popularly followed religion, it was a cult. It is said that to find if another shared your faith, you could casually draw a curved arc in the dirt with your foot. If the other person drew a curved arc OVER yours, you then knew they were a follower! The 2 curved arcs came together to form the crude shape of a fish.
Now, I personally don’t know of any such thing today. I’m not saying that Path or Society doesn’t have a call and counter call such as this. But this was used so that you would not be attacked, or even killed!
Even today, in many parts of the world, following a certain path will get you attacked. I am totally aware of my privilege here. I live in a mainly open Country. And, because of this I am allowed to follow my path. A privilege, for which I am intensely grateful for. Consider, many of the current issues plaguing the Middle East.

Many practitioners of a particular path keep things a secret because of privacy. If you are part of a Coven, a circle, or, whatever you choose to name yourselves, you all may not want others to know how you chant. For YOUR chant is special to you, of value to you, and private to you. I cannot speak for others, but, I can respect that attitude.
I find this type of secret to be in many Martial arts schools and private teachings. If a move or position is found that exemplifies your path, you and your Master/Teacher may want to keep it secret so that it becomes YOURS. You can use that secret move to establish a relationship.
“Where did you learn that style of circular walking? Only MY school teaches that style?! Its not that you CAN’T use it, I would like to know where you learned it!”

Now, its time to speak of the confusing and awkward secrets. The secrets of ignorance.
I have never been skydiving. I can read of skydiving. And I have. I’ve read of the rush of wind in your face, and over your ears, and the pounding of your heart. I have even read of the sudden powerful upward rush as you pull your ripcord. Have I personally experienced it? No.
Others have, and they are special in that shared knowledge. But, is there something that I am missing? Of course there is! Because I’ve not done it, felt it, EXPERIENCED it, I’m missing a lot of things. Why am I missing things? I’ve read extensively! I didn’t miss anything!
I’m missing things because the authors I’ve read didn’t think to write everything down, because there were somethings that have no words. My readers, who HAVE skydived, would you say that the experienced cannot be fully expressed, unless you do the act itself? And after your feet have left the plane for the first time, and then thudded to the ground, THEN you can talk, you’ve shared the experience!

Many years ago, I was accidently exposed to a very scared rite. A young lady had had her first Menses. She was congratulated by a group of local Matrons, they having been told by her mother. The matrons were speaking of the knowledge’s and treatments for many of the pains that come with being a physically mature woman. That’s when I stepped into the scene. I realize now, that this was a “Woman’s Secret” and they were angry. NOT because I was a Man, but because I could not understand what they had felt. They were angry at my ignorance. No amount of metaphors could explain a period cramp. The bleeding, the mental fog that they, as Woman, experience.
Their Secret is kept from many Men, not because we are men, but because many of are Ignorant of all the mechanics of Menses. We may profess to WANT to know, but we may never.
On that day, I didn’t understand I just knew it was important to apologize and walk away.
It’s a stretch. But, perhaps Magic is a secret such as that? A Secret of Ignorance? A Secret of Experience?
If we, as practitioners, are to learn of these secrets, we need to be open. We need to gather as much experiences, and feelings and emotions as possible. And yet, remain open to the idea that we may never be able to understand the secret.
On the other hand, if we are lucky, we may find another o teach us, to share their knowledge so that, we as well, may know a Secret.
Do you know of another type of secret?
Merry meet,
Merry part.