I dream sometimes. I wonder what we can learn from dreams? Can you instruct another, or is it all subjective, and only you, yourself are able to judge? Please, let me share a recent dream with you all.
A sapphire ceiling, and an onyx floor. Alabaster and red stone columns connecting above and below. A court of law seems to be in session, and I am the defendant. It appears that I have just lost, and the sentence is being pronounced. I am to be put to death by everyone there. The audience is my family, my loved ones, and my friends. Each person gets to come up to me, say some supportive words, and then kill me in the way they deem fitting. Every time I am killed, I return to life for the next person. I feel each death hard. In my dream I agree with the sentence, that I deserve this. I am disappointed and angry at myself for having necessitated this action.
The dream continues until all have killed me. This may seem like a nightmare to some, but to me it was just a dream. Admittedly a dark one, and weird, but still a dream. I am not asking for your interpretation, Just to see that I can think my way through these things. To me, this dream is about not death, but change, needed change.
Do you interpret your own dreams, or do you consult with another, or, do you meditate? Or what do you do?