Monday, 12 March 2012

Mission Statement

Reading Bruce Lee's "Jeet kune Do" I realized that perhaps how I deal with teh world might need an explanation, So I wrote my own Down

The Way of the Mountain

The Mountain does not Move. It is solid.
Cracks and Crevasses may appear, but does not change the Heart of the Mountain
The Mountain Endures. Landslides, Fire, Water, Windstorms
The Mountain Endures.
Wind Swirls around.
Water washes off
Fire has no fuel
Rocks fall away
Yet, The Mountain Stays

As People, as living, breathing, thinking, feeling People,
We cannot Be a Mountain. But, in our souls, we can be LIKE a Mountain.
We can let the Rumors, like the Wind, brush our shoulders,
swirl around us, but not blow us from our paths.
We can let Sadness wash down our faces, like Water,
acknowledge it, but let it wash down and away.
We can let Anger scorch our skin, But, like Fire on Stone, it finds no fuel,
so burns out, Leaving the Mountain standing still.
We can let Life fall away from us, chunks of Rock we thought we needed,
But, in the end, stripped down or not, the Mountain persists.

We cannot all be Mountains. It is a Path, a Way of Being, that is not for everyone. Nor should it be for everyone! We need The Great Plains, the Mighty Rivers, to make it a Whole World. Be what your nature asks of you. Be strong and true on your own path. 
I am A Mountain 

Sunday, 4 March 2012

What the Mountain sees

This poem kept circling in my mind all night, while I couldn't sleep. So I wrote it down. Now, I am sharing it here. There is something in it, rather wistful. Take it for what you will.

What the Mountain Sees

The swaying of the trees, a great ocean of needles
The swallow swooping and diving
The clouds scuttling
All the world spread out, and moving by,
a slow tide
Most of all, the Wind.
Constant companion, always sweeping clean
always bracing, always showing that time moves.
Even if the Mountain does not,
the Mountain can see

Wednesday, 8 February 2012


As many before me, I have been pondering the word wonder.
   Why? Well, because, there are many things that I wonder about and cause wonder in me. Curious, I asked if I am using the word correctly, and lets go to several on-line dictionaries, shall we?

According to


verb (used without object) think or speculate curiously be filled with admiration, amazement, or awe; marvel doubt: speculate curiously or be curious about; be curious to know: feel wonder at
I Like #2, and #3. They both describe what I feel, sometimes. I also notice that none of these say that wonder is good!
   Many people I hear speak, seem to think that wonder is a positive word! I can be that, I think, but most of the time, its more descriptive. To see a tornado, or a thunderstorm would be wonders to me, but at the same time terrifying. To witness birth, while a wonder for sure, is also a struggle. 
   On your path, what do you define as a wonder? What causes wonder in you? do you cause wonder in other? 

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Dreams and interpitations

January 22 2012

I dream sometimes. I wonder what we can learn from dreams? Can you instruct another, or is it all subjective, and only you, yourself are able to judge? Please, let me share a recent dream with you all.
A sapphire ceiling, and an onyx floor. Alabaster and red stone columns connecting above and below. A court of law seems to be in session, and I am the defendant. It appears that I have just lost, and the sentence is being pronounced. I am to be put to death by everyone there. The audience is my family, my loved ones, and my friends. Each person gets to come up to me,  say some supportive words, and then kill me in the way they deem fitting. Every time I am killed, I return to life for the next person. I feel each death hard. In my dream I agree with the sentence, that I deserve this. I am disappointed and angry at myself for having necessitated this action.
The dream continues until all have killed me. This may seem like a nightmare to some, but to me it was just a dream. Admittedly a dark one, and weird, but still a dream. I am not asking for your interpretation, Just to see that I can think my way through these things. To me, this dream is about not death, but change, needed change.
Do you interpret your own dreams, or do you consult with another, or, do you meditate? Or what do you do?